Saate oma tellimust jälgida oma saatekinnituse e-kirjast või külastades Zillo.ee. Kui teie pakett saadetakse, saadame teile e-kirja koos jälgimisnumbriga. Saate seda numbrit igal ajal kasutada, et kontrollida selle edenemist.
- Logi sisse oma Zillo.ee kontole.
- Valige Minu tellimused.
- Valige Saatmise Jälgimine.

Mõnikord tühistame tellimusi, et säästa teie aega ja raha. Kui me teie tellimuse tühistame, ei võta me teilt tasu.
Teie krediit- või deebetkaardikontol võib olla ajutine kinnipidamine seoses tühistatud tellimusega. Teie pank võis selle summa ajutiselt kinni pidada, kui teie tellimus esitati, ja see ajutine kinnipidamine eemaldatakse vastavalt panga eeskirjadele ja menetlustele. Meie ei saa ajutist kinnipidamist eemaldada. Palun võtke ühendust oma pangaga, kui teil on küsimusi seoses ajutise kinnipidamisega. Seda nimetatakse mõnikord autoriseerimise kinnipidamiseks ja see kuvatakse teie kontol kui ootel.
- see ületas meie koguseliste piirangute ja hulgiostude eeskirju.
- toode on otsas.
- meie veebilehel oli hinna- ja muid loeteluvigu.
- meie krediidi- ja pettuste vältimise osakond vajab lisateavet.
- vedaja või saatmisviis ei olnud kättesaadav.
Saate e-kirja, kui tühistame teie tellimuse mõne osa või kui vajame tellimuse töötlemiseks rohkem teavet.

Me anname endast parima, et pidada sammu populaarsete esemete kasvava nõudlusega. Mõnikord võib esineda viivitusi tellimuse eeltranspordis. Kui tellimus hilineb, saadame tellimuse ajakohastatud e-kirju reaalajas.
- kontrollinud meie ja meie kullerpartnerite viimaseid e-kirju.
- vaadata oma jälgimisandmed kulleri veebilehel üle, kui need on teile juba edastatud.
Kui teil on pikem viivitus, võtke ühendust meie klienditeenindusega, kasutades kontaktlehte või nuppu "Vestle meiega".
Kui teie kavandatud tarne hilineb, võime teid sellest teavitada SMS-i või e-posti teel ja esitada teile muudetud tarnekuupäevad.
Kui te ei ole oma tellimust pärast tarneakna möödumist kätte saanud, ilma et me oleksime teid sellest teavitanud, võtke palun ühendust meie klienditeenindusega.
Kui kuller tagastab teie saadetise meile, võtab üks töötaja teiega ühendust, et teie tarne ümber planeerida. Kui me ei saa seda ümber planeerida, tühistame teie tarnetellimuse.
Kullerid saadavad tellimused tagasi, kui:
- nad ei leia teie aadressi.
- turvalist kohta ei ole leitud.
- te ei ole kättesaadav.
- te tühistasite oma tellimuse.

Kontrollige oma e-kirjas olevat kviitungit, et näha, kas toode oli otsas või asendatud. Kui me maksime teile kauba eest, kuid see puudub teie tarne, võtke ühendust meie klienditeenindusega, kasutades kontaktlehte või valides nupu "Vestle meiega".
- Teie esemed võivad saabuda eraldi.
- Igal pakil on oma jälgimisnumber.
- Vaadake oma ostuajalugu, et näha, kas teie tellimus on jagatud mitmeks paketiks.
- Kui olete kõik oma tellimuse pakendid kätte saanud ja teil on veel asju puudu, valige nupp Vestle meiega.

Kui teie jälgimisandmed näitavad, et teie pakk on kohale jõudnud, kuid te ei leia seda üles:
- Võtke ühendust kullerfirma klienditeenindusega.
- Küsige oma majapidamistelt ja naabritelt.
- Vaadake oma Zillo.ee kontole salvestatud aadressi. Veenduge, et sellel ei ole kirjavigu ega arvulisi vigu.
- Oodake kaks tööpäeva, et näha, kas see saabub. See on haruldane, kuid mõnikord võivad vedajad tähistada pakke enne nende saabumist kättetoimetatuks.
Kui te ei ole seda kahe tööpäeva pärast ikka veel kätte saanud, võtke ühendust meie klienditeenindusega, kasutades kontaktlehte või valides nupu "Vestle meiega".

Kui otsustate toote tagastada, veenduge, et toodet saab tagastada, tutvudes meie tagastamispoliitikaga.
Esitage tagastamistaotlus
Tagastamise alustamiseks laadige alla järgmine vorm, täitke see ja saatke see meile e-posti aadressil info@zillo.ee:
Lae alla Zillo.ee tagastamise vormTagastamismeetodid
Esemete tagastamiseks on kaks meetodit:
- Kullerteenuse kättesaamise ajakava: Trükkige välja meie pakutud tagastussilt, kinnitage see oma pakendile ja laske meie partner-kulleril toode kätte saada.
- Jäta maha pealevõtmisjaamas: Trükkige välja meie pakutud tagastussilt, kinnitage see oma pakendile ja andke oma tagastus lähimasse vastuvõtujaama, sõltuvalt teie sildil näidatud kulleripartnerist.
If you still haven’t received it after two business days, reach our customer care using the contact page or select the Chat with us button.

Kaal | 0-1 kg | 1-5 kg | 5-10 kg | 10-20 kg | 30-50 kg | 50-100 kg | 100-200+ kg |
Balti | €5.00 | €5.60 | €6.40 | €8.40 | €14.40 | €24.00 | €38.99 |
Kuni 10 kg kaaluvate tellimuste puhul on kohaletoimetamise hind 6,99 eurot kogu Baltikumis. Tarne hind võib erineda sõltuvalt toodete mõõtmetest. Lõplikud saatmiskulud kuvatakse kassas ja arvel.

Kui paki kogukaal on kuni 30 kg, laadib kuller paki maha ja viib selle esimesse turvalisse kohta teie aadressil (läbi korteri, maja või garaaži ukse, kuid kuller ei kanna pakki läbi tubade või õue). Sellisel juhul ei ole vaja tellida täiendavaid käitlemisteenuseid.
Oluline! Kui tellitud toode on ülisuur või kui toode on paigutatud kaubaalusele, siis sõltumata selle kaalust (kuni 30 kg), ei veeta toodet sisse.
Kui mõni pakk kaalub üle 30 kg (nt suured kodumasinad, mööbel jne), aitab kuller teil paki autost maha laadida, kuid ei vii seda soovitud sihtkohta.
Kui paki kaal on 30-80 kg, soovitame tellida mahalaadimisteenuse hinnaga 19,99 eurot. Mahalaadimisteenust pakuvad kaks kullerpartnerit ja seda saab tellida meie klienditeeninduse telefonil +371 27218166 või e-posti aadressil info@zillo.ee.
Kui tellimuse kogukaal on üle 80 kg, ei pakuta virnastamisteenust. Kullerteenus ukselt-uksele on saadaval kõigis Balti linnades ja piirkondades. Sellise kauba kohaletoimetamine ja mahalaadimine toimub ainult kaubaveoautodega teie poolt määratud aadressil. Te peate tagama tingimused, et veoauto saaks sõita soovitud mahalaadimispunkti, vastasel juhul kaupa ei toimetata kohale. Riias, Tallinnas, Vilniuses ja nende piirkondades toimub kohaletoimetamine tööpäeviti kell 8:00 kuni 22:00. Teistes linnades - kell 8:00 kuni 18:00. Selle teenuse tellimisel ei ole võimalik valida soovitud tarneaega.

Kontrollige tellimuse staatust
- Saate e-posti teel kinnituse, kui teie tooted saadetakse.
- Saate e-posti teateid, kui klienditeenindus peaks teiega seoses tellimusega ühendust võtma.
Hoidke aadressiraamatut
- Salvesta nimi ja aadress ning pääse neile hõlpsasti ligi.
Soovide nimekirjadesse ja registritesse lisamine
- Pidage jooksvat nimekirja oma lemmiktoodete ja kavandatud ostude kohta.
- Valige profiil.
- Valige Autoriseeri või Registreeri konto.
Sisestage kaks korda oma e-posti aadress ja parool ning valige Registreeri profiil.
- Teie parool peab sisaldama kaheksa märki

- Logi sisse oma Zillo.ee kontole.
- Valige profiil.
- Muutke teavet, mida soovite muuta.
- Logi sisse oma Zillo.ee kontole.
- Valige profiil.
- Valige aadressid.
- Valige uue aadressi lisamine tarneaadressi lisamise kõrval või Muuda või Eemalda tarneaadressi kõrval, mida soovite muuta.

- Avage profiilileht või valige sisselogimise lehel Unustatud parool.
- Valige Saada kood.
Kontrollige oma e-kirja 6-kohalist koodi. Kontrollige kindlasti oma rämpsposti või rämpsposti kausta.
- See kood aegub 30 minuti pärast. Kui teie kood on aegunud, võite taotleda uue koodi, kasutades ülaltoodud samme.
- Sisestage 6-kohaline kood ja valige Jätka.
Sisestage uus salasõna, mida te pole varem kasutanud.
Teie salasõna peab sisaldama:
- Kaheksa märki
Teie salasõna peab sisaldama:
- Valige Loo uus parool ja logige sisse.
- Logige sisse oma Zillo kontole veebisaidil.
- Mine profiilile.
- Valige Isiklik info.
- Leidke ruut Password ja valige Edit.
- Sisestage oma praegune parool.
- Sisestage uus salasõna, mida te pole varem kasutanud, ja valige Salvesta.

- Deebetkaardid
- Krediitkaardid
- Pangaülekanded
- Rahakoti krediit

Check Order Status
- Valige Minu tellimused.
- Leidke soovitud ostu.
- Valige Arve allalaadimine.

- Kuni 7 tööpäeva
- Kuni 8 tööpäeva
Rahakott Krediit
- Kuni 3 tundi

1. samm: Loo konto.
- Käibemaksu mahaarvamiseks peab teil olema konto.
2. samm: Tehke tellimus.
- Tehke soovitud toote tellimus ja täitke oma ettevõtte andmed kassas.
3. samm: võtke meiega ühendust.
- Võtke ühendust meie klienditeenindusega, kasutades kontaktlehte või valige nupp "Vestle meiega" ja paluge oma tellimuse käibemaksu mahaarvamist. Märkige kindlasti oma tellimuse number.
4. samm: saada heakskiit ja saada uus arve.
- Kui oleme kinnitanud teie käibemaksu staatuse, esitame teile käibemaksuga arve.

Registreerimisnumber | 40203129675 |
Käibemaksukohustuslase registreerimisnumber | LV40203129675 |
Aadress | Ventspils, Andreja iela 6, LV-3601 |
Pangakonto | LV10PARX0020867940001 |
Pangateenuse pakkuja | A/S "Citadele Banka" |

Warranty terms
1. All goods purchased at www.zillo.lv have a manufacturer's warranty.
2. The warranty period specified by the manufacturer for the goods is different, it can be up to five years.
3. Information about the manufacturer's warranty period for the specific product can be found in the product description or it is possible to ask a www.zillo.lv customer consultant.
4. In cases where the manufacturer has set a warranty period shorter than two years for a product, the consumer has the right to file a claim for non-compliance of the product with the terms of the contract within two years
from the moment of purchase.
5. The right to submit a claim is valid if the product was used only in the intended conditions and only in the household.
6. Legal entities that are not Consumers are provided only with the warranty period specified by the Manufacturer.
7. We inform you that the manufacturer's warranty conditions are valid if the buyer can present:
7.1. proof of purchase document (cheque, delivery note); 7.2. manufacturer's or distributor's warranty card (if the manufacturer or distributor has included one in the product package).
7.3. you can find information about the manufacturer's certified service centers on the manufacturer's or distributor's warranty card, by calling the manufacturer's representative office or the distributor indicated on the
product packaging, or by writing to the e-mail address: info@zillo.lv
8. We inform you that the warranty conditions do not apply to the product's additional accessories (for example, product accessories), power elements (for example, batteries, accumulators), accessories that have a limited
resource (for example, fuses, headphones, microphones).
9. The terms of the manufacturer's warranty are not valid against damage caused by the fault of the buyer or user and are:
9.1. the product has damage to warranty seals, serial numbers;
9.2. the product has not been used for its intended purposes and has not been operated as indicated in the product's instruction manual;
9.3. scratched, broken structures, cracked screen, water poured in places not intended for it, product cared for by incorrect means, if extraneous objects are found in the product, insects have been allowed to enter the product
or any other traces that indicate improper use of the product;
9.4. if the damage occurred due to non-compliance of the supply voltage, telecommunications, cable networks with the standards set by the manufacturer, due to rapid temperature fluctuations, as well as other domestic and external
factors, such as soot, smoke, dust, moisture, shocks, scratches;
9.5. if the product shows signs of unqualified repair;
9.6. in cases of natural wear and tear of elements.
9.7. if the product has used non-standard power supply units, accessories and spare parts, as well as consumables (such as cartridges, toners, etc.) that have not been certified by the manufacturer for use with the specified
product, and if this has caused damage to this product;
9.8. the warranty does not apply to additional equipment - batteries, headphones, connecting cables, charging devices, remote controls).
9.9. if the product has been used by the buyer for production or professional purposes (in case the specific product is not intended for such purposes);
9.10. the warranty does not apply if damage has occurred as a result of incorrect product transportation.
10. In case the product is damaged, the buyer has the following options:
10.1. go to the service center specified in the manufacturer's or distributor's warranty card (taking the proof of purchase and the warranty card with you) - we recommend it as the fastest option for preventing damage to the
10.2. apply for warranty service at any time by clicking on the "Apply for service" section, and our employee will contact you about further actions.;
10.3. call by phone, where an zillo.lv employee will listen to the buyer and recommend the best solution.
11. In the event that the warranty service is not valid, but the buyer refuses the paid repair, then the buyer must cover the diagnostic costs, and the buyer receives the Service Center's conclusion on the detected damages.
If the buyer agrees to the paid repair, then the diagnostic costs do not have to be covered.
12. Procedure for handling complaints and out-of-court disputes.
Please submit a complaint about the availability or quality of goods electronically by sending it to the email address info@zillo.lv or in writing by sending it to the address . The complaint will be considered within 15 working
days from the day of receipt of the complaint, with the answer being sent to the contact address indicated in the complaint.
If the complaint is recognized as unfounded and you do not agree to the recognition of the complaint as unfounded, you have the right to use the alternative dispute resolution options provided for in the laws and regulations,
by submitting a written application to the seller of the goods for out-of-court dispute resolution, stating:
- name, surname, contact information;
- date of submission of the application;
- the nature of the dispute, claims and their justification.
Information on out-of-court dispute resolution options and out-of-court dispute resolvers:
- Information on the dispute resolution process: www.ptac.gov.lv/lv/content/stridu-risinasanas-process
- Information on the database of out-of-court consumer dispute resolvers: www.ptac.gov.lv/lv/content/arpustiesas-pateretaju-stridu-risinataju-datubaze
- Information on online dispute resolution (ODR): If there is a problem with a product purchased online, the customer can use the ODR platform to submit a complaint to an independent dispute resolution body. Link to SIT platform:
We remind you that within 24 months from the day of delivery of the product, consumers have the legal right to file a claim for a product that does not meet the terms of the contract.
Terms of use of the right of withdrawal
1. Right of refusal:
1. You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 (fourteen) days without giving a reason.
2. The exercise of the right of withdrawal will expire after 14 days from the day on which you have obtained or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you has obtained possession of the goods.
3. In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us SIA SME BALTIC, e-mail address: info@zillo.lv, of the decision to withdraw from this contract.
4. In order for the deadline for the right of withdrawal to be respected, it is sufficient if you send your notification about the exercise of the right of withdrawal before the expiry of the right of withdrawal.
2. Consequences of refusal:
5. If you cancel this contract, we will refund to you all payments received from you, including delivery costs (excluding any additional costs incurred because you have chosen a delivery method other than the cheapest
standard delivery method we offer), no later than Within 14 days of the day we were informed of your decision to withdraw from this contract. In any event, you will not be charged any fee in connection with such refund.
6. You must request the delivery of the goods by calling the phone or by sending an e-mail to info@zillo.lv without undue delay and in any case no later than 14 days from the day you notified us of your decision to withdraw
from this contract. The deadline will be met if you also send the goods back to the address , before the end of the 14-day deadline. Please note that SIA SME BALTIC has the right to record possible visual damage of the
goods, as well as the contents of the package, at the time of acceptance of goods sent by Ekprespasta. In cases where, when sending the goods to SIA SME BALTIC customer center using courier, SIA SME BALTIC finds damage
to the goods or non-compliance of the goods with the visual condition and packaging at the time of receiving the goods, you will be informed and a copy of the statement of findings will be sent to you.
7. You will be responsible for the direct costs associated with returning the goods. The maximum cost could be around 50 EUR.
8. You are only responsible for the decrease in the value of the goods, if the goods are not used to establish the nature, characteristics and operation of these goods, but for other purposes.
9. During the period of exercise of the right of refusal, you have the right to use the product to the extent necessary for testing the nature, properties and operation of the product. (to the same extent as it could be
done before buying the product in a regular store, for example, for portable computers, visually familiarize yourself with the appearance and size of the computer, but without performing any manipulations, including activating
the pre-installed operating system on the computer; for mobile phones - without tearing off the protective film, turning it on without inserting a SIM card and not making calls, not synchronizing data, etc.). By using the
right of withdrawal, you are responsible for the use of the product beyond what is intended for the purpose of testing the nature, characteristics and performance of the product. You are responsible for the use of the product
during the period of exercise of the right of withdrawal, which is incompatible with the principle of good faith, as well as for the reduction of the value, quality and safety of the product.
SIA SME BALTIC asks consumers to use the product as much as it is necessary to check the nature, properties and operation of the product, for example, to use the product as much as possible before purchasing the product
in a regular store, for example, for portable computers, to visually familiarize yourself with the appearance and size of the computer, but a request not to perform any manipulations, including activating the operating
system pre-installed on the computer; for mobile phones - do not tear off protective films, turn on the product without inserting a SIM card and do not make calls, do not synchronize data, etc.
10. You are responsible for maintaining the quality and safety of the product during the period of exercising the right of withdrawal.
11. Except for the cases specified in clause 12 of these regulations, you can use the right of withdrawal and unilaterally withdraw from the contract within 14 days, covering:
11.1. expenses for the delivery of the product, which is not the cheapest standard delivery method offered by SIA SME BALTIC;
11.2. the direct costs of returning the goods, except for cases where SIA SME BALTIC has agreed to cover these costs or has not informed you that you have to cover the costs;
11.3. decrease in the value of the product, if the product is used for a purpose other than to clarify the nature, characteristics and operation of the product, as confirmed by the diagnostics performed at the service
authorized by the manufacturer of the product. You are not responsible for the decrease in the value of the product if SIA SME BALTIC has not informed you about the right of withdrawal in accordance with the procedures
specified in the regulatory acts regulating the protection of consumer rights;
3. The consumer cannot use the right of refusal:
12. In the cases specified in Clause 22 of the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 255 of May 20, 2014 "Regulations on distance contracts", including if:
the price of the product depends on the fluctuations of the financial market, which the seller cannot control and which may occur during the right of withdrawal;
the goods are made to the consumer's instructions or are clearly personalized;
the product perishes quickly or expires soon;
the consumer has opened the packaging of a product that cannot be returned due to health and hygiene reasons, such as an electric toothbrush, epilator, electric beard shaver, beard/hair trimmer, electric hair clipper,
in-ear audio headphones and other similar goods of nature, if the packaging of these goods has been opened and/or the security seal has been damaged;
the product, due to its characteristics, will irreversibly mix with other things after delivery; the consumer has requested the seller or service provider to come and perform urgent repairs or maintenance work. If the
seller or service provider, when visiting the consumer, provides an additional service or supplies goods that are not necessary spare parts to carry out repairs or maintenance work, the right of refusal is applicable to
said additional services or goods;
the consumer has opened the package of audio recording or video recording or computer programs;
the contract is concluded for the supply of digital content, which is not supplied on a permanent data carrier, if the supply of digital content has been initiated with the consumer's prior express consent and confirmation
of the loss of the right of refusal;
13. The zillo.lv online store does not store copies of the purchase contract
14. In order to correct input errors made during the order, please contact us by phone () or send an e-mail: info@zillo.lv
15. You can fill out the purchase application in Latvian or Russian.
16. SIA SME BALTIC website www.zillo.lv has posted forms on the exercise of the right of refusal. Download
17. The images of the products displayed in the online store www.zillo.lv may differ slightly from the offered product. In order to clarify or specify the description of the product or to eliminate confusion related to its
ordering, please contact www.zillo.lv by e-mail: info@zillo.lv in order to avoid unpleasant misunderstandings.
18. SIA SME BALTIC informs that, upon ascertaining the loss of value of the returned goods, it will apply to the court for compensation of losses caused by SIA SME BALTIC, which occurred as a result of the consumer's actions.
19. Please submit a complaint about the availability or quality of goods electronically by sending to the following electronic mail address - info@zillo.lv or please submit a complaint in writing to the following address:
The complaint will be considered within 30 days from the day of receipt of the complaint, with the answer being sent to the contact address indicated in the complaint.

1.1. These Terms of Purchase together with the documents referred to in them in the regulations, are intended for providing information about SIA SME BALTIC ("Seller"), as well as goods sold in the online store for setting out the terms of purchase and sale (“Terms”) for persons who specified in Clause 5.1 of the Regulations ("Buyer"), and who purchase the goods ("Products") in the online store at www.zillo.fi.
2.1. These Terms apply when purchasing Products at the address www.zillo.fi ("online store"). The seller is SIA SME BALTIC - Latvia a company duly registered and operating in the Republic of Latvia, legal registration number: 40203129675, legal address -Andreja iela 6,Ventspils, LV-3601 Data about the Seller is collected and stored – In the register of legal entities, the maintainer of the register is the State enterprise "Business Register"..
3.1. The images of the Products provided in the online store are illustrative in nature. Despite the fact that the Seller does everything possible to match the colors of the Goods reflected as accurately as possible, the Seller cannot guarantee that the Buyer the device screen will accurately reflect the colors of the Products. Buyer understands that the Goods may differ slightly from their images.
4.1. The Seller processes the Buyer's personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy policy. Considering that the Privacy Policy states important Terms and conditions, we recommend the Buyer to read them carefully and ensure that all provisions of the Privacy Policy are understood by it and acceptable.
Privacy Policy
This chapter provides the following information:
- categories of personal data we process;
- sources and specific categories of personal data not received directly from you;
- the purposes of processing your personal data; and legal basis for processing.
We process your account data ("Account Data"). Account data may include your name and email address, phone number and other data you provide during registration, as well as your purchase history. This data is obtained directly from you. We process account data to operate the website, to be able to provide our services, to ensure the security of the website and services, and to communicate with you. The legal basis for this processing is the performance of a mutual agreement and/or the conclusion of a contract at your request, as well as our legitimate interests, namely the monitoring and improvement of our website and services.
We process information related to the provision of our services on our website ("transaction data"). Transaction data may include your contact information, bank account information and transaction information. Transaction data is processed to deliver goods and services and to maintain accurate records of these transactions. The legal basis for this processing is the performance of a mutual agreement and/or the conclusion of a contract at your request, as well as our legitimate interests, namely the proper administration of our website and commerce.
We may process information about your application for a consumer loan ("leasing data"). Leasing data may include data about your employment, marital status, solvency information and other data. Leasing data is only processed to contact consumer credit companies about the possible consumer credit collateral needed to pay for the purchased goods in case you choose the deferred payment option. The legal basis for this processing is the performance of a mutual agreement and/or the conclusion of a contract at your request.
We may process the information you submit to sign up for our emails and newsletters ("messaging data"). Messaging data is processed to send you relevant messages and news. The legal basis for this processing is your consent. Also, if we have already sold you goods or provided services on our website and you do not object, we may process the messaging data based on our legitimate interests, namely to maintain and improve our customer relations.
We may process information in relation to any communication you send us ("correspondence data"). Correspondence data may include the content of the communication and metadata related to the communication. If communication is initiated through our website's contact forms, the website will generate metadata related to the correspondence. Correspondence data is processed to contact you and keep records. The legal basis for this processing is our legitimate interests, namely the proper administration of our website and business, the provision of uniform and high-quality consulting practices, and the resolution of disputes between you and our employees.
We may process your personal data as set out in this notice if it is necessary to comply with or defend legal claims, whether arising in a judicial, administrative or other non-judicial manner. The legal basis for this processing is our legitimate interests, namely the protection and enforcement of our legal rights, your legal rights and the legal rights of others.
In addition to the specific purposes for which we are entitled to process your personal data as set out above, we are also entitled to process your personal data where such processing is necessary to comply with our legal obligation.
We want to earn and keep your trust. To achieve this, we will only share your personal information if necessary.
We are entitled to share your data with the following categories of third parties in order to provide you with our services as described in this notice:
- We are entitled to disclose your personal data to any of our group companies (including our subsidiaries and controlling company, and its other subsidiaries);
- We are entitled to disclose your personal data to our insurers and professional advisers in order to manage risks, obtain professional advice or to bring, enforce or defend against claims;
- Financial transactions related to the purchase of goods on our website may be processed by our payment service providers. We share your transaction information with our payment service providers only to the extent necessary for your payment, refund and complaint purposes.
- We are entitled to disclose your personal data to other service providers in order to provide specific services. For example, website hosting providers, delivery companies, servers and their maintenance service providers, e-mail and SMS service providers. In the case of engaging subcontractors, we will take all necessary steps to ensure that our data processors ensure the confidentiality of personal data.
- In the event that you choose the deferred payment option, we will disclose your personal data, clearly indicated on the payment form, to consumer credit companies. Such data includes transaction data and leasing data. Considering that upon receiving this information, consumer credit companies process the data as an independent data controller, before confirming the transfer of data, we recommend that you read the privacy policy of these credit institutions.
In addition to special cases, we are entitled to disclose your personal data in order to fulfill our legal obligations.
The third parties mentioned in this clause may also be registered outside the Republic of Latvia, the European Union or the European Economic Area. If we send your personal data to such persons, we will take all reasonable
steps to ensure that your privacy is adequately protected. To receive more information about appropriate security measures, you can contact us at info@zillo.lv
Your personal data that we process for any specific purpose or purposes is not stored for longer than is necessary for that purpose or purposes. In any case, they are stored for no longer than:
- Account data will be stored for no longer than 3 (three) years after the last login to the account or your last purchase (whichever date is later);
- transaction data will be stored no longer than 10 (ten) years after the end of service provision;
- leasing data will be stored no longer than the execution or cancellation of the order;
- message data will be stored for a maximum of 3 (three) years after your last account login or your last purchase (whichever date is later);
- correspondence data will be stored no longer than 2 (two) years after the end of communication.
Sometimes we cannot tell you exactly how long we will keep your personal data. For example, access data will be stored for as long as necessary for specific purposes.
Notwithstanding the other provisions of this section, we are entitled to store your personal data if it is necessary to fulfill our legal obligations.Sometimes we cannot tell you exactly how long we will keep your personal data. For example, access data will be stored for as long as necessary for specific purposes. We are entitled to store your personal data if it is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation binding on us.
If you have consented(s), we will send you marketing communications in the form of email or text message to provide you with up-to-date information to help you view and find our products.
You can refuse to receive marketing notifications from www.zillo.lv at any time.
You can do it like this:
By clicking on the “unsubscribe” link in any email;
By contacting our Customer Service team: info@zillo.lv
- If you opt out of receiving marketing communications, we will update your profile to ensure that you do not receive such communications in the future.
- Please note that as www.zillo.lv includes a wide network of interconnected services, it may take a few days for information to be updated in all our systems, so you may receive notifications from us while we process your request.
Opting out of receiving marketing communications does not mean that communications about the Services, such as order updates, will cease.
This part of the notice provides an overview of your rights under data protection regulations. As some of the rights are complex, this notice covers only the main aspects. We ask that you consult the relevant legislation and guidelines for full information on your rights.
You have the following rights regarding your personal information:
- Rights of access to personal information held by us;
- The right to request corrections to inaccurate personal information we hold about you. (But you can correct most of the information in the My settings section https://www.zillo.lv/veikals/account/settings);
- The right to request the deletion of your data;
- The right to restrict data processing;
- The right to object to data processing;
- Right to data portability;
- The right to submit a complaint to the supervisory authority;
- Right to withdraw consent.
If you want to exercise your rights, file a complaint or if you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail: info@zillo.lv
1. Right to access data. You have the right to consent or not to consent to our processing of your personal data and, if we do, to access your personal data and other additional information. Additional information includes information on processing purposes, categories of processed personal data and recipients of personal data. Assuming that the rights and freedoms of others are not affected, we will provide a copy of your personal data. 2. Right to correct data. You have the right to correct any of your data that is inaccurate and, taking into account the purposes of the processing, you have the right to supplement any data that is incomplete. 3. In some cases, you have the right to delete your personal data. Such cases include: (I) the personal data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed; (II) you withdraw your consent and there is no other lawful basis for the processing; (c) you object to processing under certain data protection regulations; (d) the processing is carried out for marketing purposes; or (e) personal data has been processed unlawfully. However, in some cases you will not be able to exercise this right. The exceptional cases where processing is necessary are as follows: (I) to exercise freedom of expression and information; (II) to comply with our legal obligations; or (III) to establish, exercise or defend legal claims. 4. In certain cases, you have the right to restrict processing. Such cases include: (a) you dispute the accuracy of personal data; (b) the processing is unlawful and you object to the deletion of the personal data; (c) we no longer need the personal data for processing, but you need it for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims; (d) you object to the processing in accordance with the public or legitimate interest until such objection is confirmed. If the processing is restricted in accordance with the above, we are entitled to continue to store your personal data. However, we will only process it: (I) with your consent; (II) to establish, exercise or defend legal claims; (III) to protect the rights of another individual or entity; or (IV) for the purpose of implementing important public interests. 5. You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data in relation to your specific situation. However, this is possible to the extent that we need data processing in accordance with our or a third party's legitimate interests. If you object to such processing, we will stop processing your personal information, unless we can demonstrate a legitimate reason for the processing that overrides your interests, rights and freedoms, or if the processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims; p> 6. You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes. If you object to such processing, we will stop processing your personal data for this purpose. 7. You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data for scientific or historical research purposes or for statistical purposes. If you object to such processing, we will stop processing your personal information unless the processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest. 8. Right to data portability. To the extent that our legal reason for processing is: your consent; or performance of a contract or performance of activities at your request prior to entering into a contract, you have the right to receive your personal data from us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. However, these rights are not available if their implementation negatively affects the rights and freedoms of other persons. 9. If you believe that our processing of your personal information violates data protection regulations, you have the legal right to file a complaint with the State Data Inspectorate, address Blaumaņa iela 11/13, Rīga, LV-1011, www.dvi.gov.lv, or another supervisory authority to the institution according to the address of your permanent residence, place of work or place of possible violation. 10. To the extent that our processing of your personal information is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing prior to the withdrawal of consent.OTHER IMPORTANT PRIVACY INFORMATION
Third Party Websites
We may work with third parties, commonly referred to as service providers, who are authorized to place third-party cookies on our websites or our services, apps and tools with your consent. These service providers enable us to provide you with a better, faster and more secure website experience.
Please note that third-party cookies are subject to the privacy policies of third parties, so we are not responsible for those privacy policies.
Children's personal data
The services provided on our website are intended for persons over 14 years of age. Individual loyalty programs or contest conditions may include a different or higher minimum age limit for a participant.
If we have reasonable doubts about the processing of data of a person who has not reached the age mentioned in this paragraph, we will delete such personal data from the databases.
We may change this notice from time to time to reflect how we process your data. If we make material changes, we will notify you on our website or otherwise, such as by email, so that you can review the changes before continuing to use our website.
Like other websites, we also use cookies. Cookies are small data files that allow us to provide you with a faster and more secure website experience. When you visit or interact with our websites, service sections, apps, tools or chat sites, we or our authorized service providers may use cookies to provide you with a better, faster and more secure website experience and for advertising purposes. p>
- (2) How can you manage cookies?
- (3) What cookies do we use?
Normally, cookies do not contain any information that could identify the user, but your personal information in our possession may be linked to information obtained or stored by cookies.
Three ways to manage cookies:External sources (1)
Browser settings (2)
Our website cookies (3)
(1) Cookies from service providers
We use Google Analytics services to analyze how you use our website. You can learn more about Google's privacy policy here. To learn more about how you can access, manage, or delete information associated with your Google Account, see "Transparency and choice."
We allow the following trusted GDPR-compliant companies to use cookies or similar technologies to provide advertising or research services: our website uses the service "Google Analytics" to understand how visitors use the content of the website. If you do not want your browser to use Analytics, you can install the Google Analytics browser add-on. If you want to know more about Google Analytics and privacy, click here. For direct marketing purposes, we use the "Google Partners" advertising system. This helps us show you relevant offers. You can change these settings here. To learn more about Google's ads and privacy policy, click here. For direct marketing purposes, we are entitled to use the Facebook advertising platform, which, according to the collected cookies, helps us to better identify the needs of the buyer. To learn more about Facebook's privacy policy, click here. You can also click here to change your ad settings on the Facebook platform. For direct marketing purposes, we are entitled to use the "RTB House" advertising platform, which, according to the collected cookies, helps us to better identify the needs of the buyer. To learn more about RTB House's privacy policy, click here. You can also change your ad settings on the RTB House platform by clicking here. For direct marketing purposes, we are entitled to use the "Adform" advertising platform, which, according to the collected cookies, helps us to better identify the buyer's needs. To learn more about Adform's privacy policy, click here. We are entitled to use "Hot Jar" to optimize the customer experience on the website. To learn more about this privacy policy, click here.
Most browsers allow users to refuse or delete cookies. The steps may vary depending on the browser and its version. Below is up-to-date information on how to block or delete cookies on service provider websites such as Chrome; Firefox; Internet Explorer and Safari.
Please note that deleting or disabling cookies may affect your experience and you may not be able to take advantage of certain features of our website.
There are four main types of cookies. Here's how and why we use them:
(1) Website functionality cookies: These cookies allow you to browse the website and use available features such as 'Add to Cart'.
(2) Website analytics cookies: These cookies allow you to evaluate and analyze how our customers use our website, improve both its functionality and your shopping experience.
(3) Customer preference cookies: when you browse or shop at www.zillo.lv, these cookies will remember your preferences so that we can make your shopping experience perfect and tailored specifically for you.
(4) Targeting or advertising cookies: These cookies are used to show you relevant advertisements. These cookies limit the number of times an ad is shown and help us measure the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns.
We're always keen to get in touch with our customers (especially if you feel we've let you down or could use some improvement).
You have questions or comments about this announcement;
You want us not to use your information in the future;
You wish to exercise any of the above rights or have complaints, please contact us.
You can contact our privacy specialists by writing to us at: info@zillo.lv
Warranty terms
1. All goods purchased at www.zillo.lv have a manufacturer's warranty.
2. The warranty period specified by the manufacturer for the goods is different, it can be up to five years.
3. Information about the manufacturer's warranty period for the specific product can be found in the product description or it is possible to ask a www.zillo.lv customer consultant.
4. In cases where the manufacturer has set a warranty period shorter than two years for a product, the consumer has the right to file a claim for non-compliance of the product with the terms of the contract within two years
from the moment of purchase.
5. The right to submit a claim is valid if the product was used only in the intended conditions and only in the household.
6. Legal entities that are not Consumers are provided only with the warranty period specified by the Manufacturer.
7. We inform you that the manufacturer's warranty conditions are valid if the buyer can present:
7.1. proof of purchase document (cheque, delivery note); 7.2. manufacturer's or distributor's warranty card (if the manufacturer or distributor has included one in the product package).
7.3. you can find information about the manufacturer's certified service centers on the manufacturer's or distributor's warranty card, by calling the manufacturer's representative office or the distributor indicated on the
product packaging, or by writing to the e-mail address: info@zillo.lv
8. We inform you that the warranty conditions do not apply to the product's additional accessories (for example, product accessories), power elements (for example, batteries, accumulators), accessories that have a limited
resource (for example, fuses, headphones, microphones).
9. The terms of the manufacturer's warranty are not valid against damage caused by the fault of the buyer or user and are:
9.1. the product has damage to warranty seals, serial numbers;
9.2. the product has not been used for its intended purposes and has not been operated as indicated in the product's instruction manual;
9.3. scratched, broken structures, cracked screen, water poured in places not intended for it, product cared for by incorrect means, if extraneous objects are found in the product, insects have been allowed to enter the product
or any other traces that indicate improper use of the product;
9.4. if the damage occurred due to non-compliance of the supply voltage, telecommunications, cable networks with the standards set by the manufacturer, due to rapid temperature fluctuations, as well as other domestic and external
factors, such as soot, smoke, dust, moisture, shocks, scratches;
9.5. if the product shows signs of unqualified repair;
9.6. in cases of natural wear and tear of elements.
9.7. if the product has used non-standard power supply units, accessories and spare parts, as well as consumables (such as cartridges, toners, etc.) that have not been certified by the manufacturer for use with the specified
product, and if this has caused damage to this product;
9.8. the warranty does not apply to additional equipment - batteries, headphones, connecting cables, charging devices, remote controls).
9.9. if the product has been used by the buyer for production or professional purposes (in case the specific product is not intended for such purposes);
9.10. the warranty does not apply if damage has occurred as a result of incorrect product transportation.
10. In case the product is damaged, the buyer has the following options:
10.1. go to the service center specified in the manufacturer's or distributor's warranty card (taking the proof of purchase and the warranty card with you) - we recommend it as the fastest option for preventing damage to the
10.2. apply for warranty service at any time by clicking on the "Apply for service" section, and our employee will contact you about further actions.;
10.3. call by phone, where an zillo.lv employee will listen to the buyer and recommend the best solution.
11. In the event that the warranty service is not valid, but the buyer refuses the paid repair, then the buyer must cover the diagnostic costs, and the buyer receives the Service Center's conclusion on the detected damages.
If the buyer agrees to the paid repair, then the diagnostic costs do not have to be covered.
12. Procedure for handling complaints and out-of-court disputes.
Please submit a complaint about the availability or quality of goods electronically by sending it to the email address info@zillo.lv or in writing by sending it to the address . The complaint will be considered within 15 working
days from the day of receipt of the complaint, with the answer being sent to the contact address indicated in the complaint.
If the complaint is recognized as unfounded and you do not agree to the recognition of the complaint as unfounded, you have the right to use the alternative dispute resolution options provided for in the laws and regulations,
by submitting a written application to the seller of the goods for out-of-court dispute resolution, stating:
- name, surname, contact information;
- date of submission of the application;
- the nature of the dispute, claims and their justification.
Information on out-of-court dispute resolution options and out-of-court dispute resolvers:
- Information on the dispute resolution process: www.ptac.gov.lv/lv/content/stridu-risinasanas-process
- Information on the database of out-of-court consumer dispute resolvers: www.ptac.gov.lv/lv/content/arpustiesas-pateretaju-stridu-risinataju-datubaze
- Information on online dispute resolution (ODR): If there is a problem with a product purchased online, the customer can use the ODR platform to submit a complaint to an independent dispute resolution body. Link to SIT platform:
We remind you that within 24 months from the day of delivery of the product, consumers have the legal right to file a claim for a product that does not meet the terms of the contract.
Terms of use of the right of withdrawal
1. Right of refusal:
1. You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 (fourteen) days without giving a reason.
2. The exercise of the right of withdrawal will expire after 14 days from the day on which you have obtained or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you has obtained possession of the goods.
3. In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us SIA SME BALTIC, e-mail address: info@zillo.lv, of the decision to withdraw from this contract.
4. In order for the deadline for the right of withdrawal to be respected, it is sufficient if you send your notification about the exercise of the right of withdrawal before the expiry of the right of withdrawal.
2. Consequences of refusal:
5. If you cancel this contract, we will refund to you all payments received from you, including delivery costs (excluding any additional costs incurred because you have chosen a delivery method other than the cheapest
standard delivery method we offer), no later than Within 14 days of the day we were informed of your decision to withdraw from this contract. In any event, you will not be charged any fee in connection with such refund.
6. You must request the delivery of the goods by calling the phone or by sending an e-mail to info@zillo.lv without undue delay and in any case no later than 14 days from the day you notified us of your decision to withdraw
from this contract. The deadline will be met if you also send the goods back to the address , before the end of the 14-day deadline. Please note that SIA SME BALTIC has the right to record possible visual damage of the
goods, as well as the contents of the package, at the time of acceptance of goods sent by Ekprespasta. In cases where, when sending the goods to SIA SME BALTIC customer center using courier, SIA SME BALTIC finds damage
to the goods or non-compliance of the goods with the visual condition and packaging at the time of receiving the goods, you will be informed and a copy of the statement of findings will be sent to you.
7. You will be responsible for the direct costs associated with returning the goods. The maximum cost could be around 50 EUR.
8. You are only responsible for the decrease in the value of the goods, if the goods are not used to establish the nature, characteristics and operation of these goods, but for other purposes.
9. During the period of exercise of the right of refusal, you have the right to use the product to the extent necessary for testing the nature, properties and operation of the product. (to the same extent as it could be
done before buying the product in a regular store, for example, for portable computers, visually familiarize yourself with the appearance and size of the computer, but without performing any manipulations, including activating
the pre-installed operating system on the computer; for mobile phones - without tearing off the protective film, turning it on without inserting a SIM card and not making calls, not synchronizing data, etc.). By using the
right of withdrawal, you are responsible for the use of the product beyond what is intended for the purpose of testing the nature, characteristics and performance of the product. You are responsible for the use of the product
during the period of exercise of the right of withdrawal, which is incompatible with the principle of good faith, as well as for the reduction of the value, quality and safety of the product.
SIA SME BALTIC asks consumers to use the product as much as it is necessary to check the nature, properties and operation of the product, for example, to use the product as much as possible before purchasing the product
in a regular store, for example, for portable computers, to visually familiarize yourself with the appearance and size of the computer, but a request not to perform any manipulations, including activating the operating
system pre-installed on the computer; for mobile phones - do not tear off protective films, turn on the product without inserting a SIM card and do not make calls, do not synchronize data, etc.
10. You are responsible for maintaining the quality and safety of the product during the period of exercising the right of withdrawal.
11. Except for the cases specified in clause 12 of these regulations, you can use the right of withdrawal and unilaterally withdraw from the contract within 14 days, covering:
11.1. expenses for the delivery of the product, which is not the cheapest standard delivery method offered by SIA SME BALTIC;
11.2. the direct costs of returning the goods, except for cases where SIA SME BALTIC has agreed to cover these costs or has not informed you that you have to cover the costs;
11.3. decrease in the value of the product, if the product is used for a purpose other than to clarify the nature, characteristics and operation of the product, as confirmed by the diagnostics performed at the service
authorized by the manufacturer of the product. You are not responsible for the decrease in the value of the product if SIA SME BALTIC has not informed you about the right of withdrawal in accordance with the procedures
specified in the regulatory acts regulating the protection of consumer rights;
3. The consumer cannot use the right of refusal:
12. In the cases specified in Clause 22 of the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 255 of May 20, 2014 "Regulations on distance contracts", including if:
the price of the product depends on the fluctuations of the financial market, which the seller cannot control and which may occur during the right of withdrawal;
the goods are made to the consumer's instructions or are clearly personalized;
the product perishes quickly or expires soon;
the consumer has opened the packaging of a product that cannot be returned due to health and hygiene reasons, such as an electric toothbrush, epilator, electric beard shaver, beard/hair trimmer, electric hair clipper,
in-ear audio headphones and other similar goods of nature, if the packaging of these goods has been opened and/or the security seal has been damaged;
the product, due to its characteristics, will irreversibly mix with other things after delivery; the consumer has requested the seller or service provider to come and perform urgent repairs or maintenance work. If the
seller or service provider, when visiting the consumer, provides an additional service or supplies goods that are not necessary spare parts to carry out repairs or maintenance work, the right of refusal is applicable to
said additional services or goods;
the consumer has opened the package of audio recording or video recording or computer programs;
the contract is concluded for the supply of digital content, which is not supplied on a permanent data carrier, if the supply of digital content has been initiated with the consumer's prior express consent and confirmation
of the loss of the right of refusal;
13. The zillo.lv online store does not store copies of the purchase contract
14. In order to correct input errors made during the order, please contact us by phone () or send an e-mail: info@zillo.lv
15. You can fill out the purchase application in Latvian or Russian.
16. SIA SME BALTIC website www.zillo.lv has posted forms on the exercise of the right of refusal. Download
17. The images of the products displayed in the online store www.zillo.lv may differ slightly from the offered product. In order to clarify or specify the description of the product or to eliminate confusion related to its
ordering, please contact www.zillo.lv by e-mail: info@zillo.lv in order to avoid unpleasant misunderstandings.
18. SIA SME BALTIC informs that, upon ascertaining the loss of value of the returned goods, it will apply to the court for compensation of losses caused by SIA SME BALTIC, which occurred as a result of the consumer's actions.
19. Please submit a complaint about the availability or quality of goods electronically by sending to the following electronic mail address - info@zillo.lv or please submit a complaint in writing to the following address:
The complaint will be considered within 30 days from the day of receipt of the complaint, with the answer being sent to the contact address indicated in the complaint.